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2011-09-04 01:21:16
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Hedda
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Instructions on how Flirt Messages works

You can send a message as a flirt. That means that the flirt message isn't sent until the receiver also flirts with you. So you can write something like "Will you marry me?" or "ur hot! do u have msn?!?!" and no one will ever get annoyed by it, because they will only see the flirt if they are interested in you.

If you send a flirt to someone that has sent a flirt to you, that flirt will be sent as a message to you, and your flirt will also immediately be sent as a message with the comment that it is a responded flirt.

If successful, you can get married, but please kindly send a donation to this site as this site is the matchmaker after all... Minimum $2,888.

Note: If you flirt with someone and that member flirt back, the next flirt will be sent only if that member flirts with you again.

How to list your flirts

Go to your notes and press "List sent but unresponded flirts".

How to list successful flirts

No, you can't list them. You can search it in your messages if they are not yet deleted.

Username (or number or email):


2005-10-09 [Vader]: Good idea Hed' ^_^

2005-10-09 [Beatify me Capt'n]: Yeah, good idea

2005-10-09 [Torsk]: wow. I like this idea. :P

2005-10-09 [more meredith please!]: very nice idea!

2005-10-09 [hell_and_heaven]: ... it's a good idea.. it's only a little bit confusing..*confused*

2005-10-09 [**Brittani Blue Eyes**]: cool cool .......i like the idea

2005-10-09 [Benzin]: jeah jeah but... what if a girl likes ya but dont want u to like her??? that could be AWKWARD but wat teh hell

2005-10-09 [hell_and_heaven]: you see.. it's so confusing..

2005-10-09 [Vader]: Tis a bit..... :s

2005-10-09 [Neon Never]: thank god

2005-10-09 [hell_and_heaven]: ...

2005-10-09 [boblette]: kool but i have no use of this because i shall neither recieve nor send em

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: awe, there's some self esteem

2005-10-09 [Vader]: Be happy and put urself out there :P

2005-10-09 [Moon Lightning]: ^^ good idea

2005-10-09 [Magic is in a Sunrise]: i think its a good idea... honestly its too confusing to tell...

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: lol, well it's good, but it'll only work if the weirdos actually use it.

2005-10-09 [Zeltros]: lol nice

2005-10-09 [Magic is in a Sunrise]: i think it could be really cute if the freaky people dont abuse it...

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: yeah but I would rather the creepy people use it and then they won't bother us with their disgusting anticdotes

2005-10-09 [hell_and_heaven]: .. erm..

2005-10-09 [Magic is in a Sunrise]: lol i guess thats true... but itll be fun to do it with your friends on here and they get all confused... haha! Faith Star the mind messer wither!!

2005-10-09 [Nymphette]: ha ha, thats class!

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: *laughs*

2005-10-09 [Magic is in a Sunrise]: *bows* thank you, thank you

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: hehe

2005-10-09 [Vader]: u girls are evil :P

2005-10-09 [Aegiss]: Hmmm... Strang but interesting:)

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: who me?

2005-10-09 [Magic is in a Sunrise]: im not evil.... just intrigued by confusing people to the extreme!

2005-10-09 [Bladieboe]: very nice option. I like it

2005-10-09 [~Cerys~]: clever

2005-10-09 [Sagacious Turkey]: FLIRTS?! This is the stupidest idea yet!

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: Not really, I think it will hopefully keep creepy guys from turkey from actually messaging us unless we want them too...hopefully

2005-10-09 [Sagacious Turkey]: "from turkey"...? I find that slightly offensive...

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: *coughs* Sorry, I don't mean everyone from Turkey, it just seems like every guy on here who say they are from Turkey just want to marry you and get your msn.

2005-10-09 [Sagacious Turkey]: I'm not from Turkey... In fact, I'm from Alabama! *points at username*

2005-10-09 [Azuri]: I agree with [Panda-monium] Ive had to deal with alot of males from turkey on here and Ep telling me they wanted to marry me and wanted my msn >.< Its FREAKIN creapy

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: I concur!

2005-10-09 [Elmiira]: whee! other people who don't like the freaking "willyoumarrymeandgiveyourmsn" turkish guys.. they so suck! I wish they used this flirt thing...

2005-10-09 [gone123]: lol damn does everybody have a creapy guy from turkey talking to them?

2005-10-09 [The Hidden Happiness]: uh.. yeah i think so :P

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: pretty much :P

2005-10-09 [Tears of the Dead Star]: What's to stop them from sending the message to you in a regular manner so you still get the message?

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: That's why I said it will be cool if they use it

2005-10-09 [Some Random Thursday]: lol I so agree! I have three different Turkish guys askin me for my msn and to give them "sex"! If they used it I wouldn't have to deal with that!

2005-10-09 [Ocean Soul]: Ah I love this new thingie xD Use it, all of you.. duh, maybe not. I guess you have to be extraordinary lucky to get the guy you want to flirt with check out your house and be brave enough to send a flirt message ;) But still.. nice nice

2005-10-09 [runnybabbit]: Bleh...I don't know anyone on nobody would send me a flirt--except maybe Keifer--so...I don't have to worry about it.

2005-10-09 [elphaba]: Okay- This is a fantastic thing... One question- can you report flirters not using Flirt? Because that would be a fantastic rule... Also, it you have a photo of you in your house, a creepy Turkish guy will try to get in your digital pants, even if you're gay...

2005-10-09 [NightTheOwl]: I don't get this flirt system

2005-10-09 [crowdel]: DONT WORRY YOUR IN GOOD COMPANY

2005-10-09 [Panda-monium]: lmao

2005-10-09 [crowdel]: what?

2005-10-09 [Indigo Butterfly]: this thing is weird and confusing

2005-10-09 [How To Break A Piano]: As [NightTheOwl] said... This thing makes noe sense...

2005-10-09 [Sunrose]: What is it that you do not understand?

2005-10-10 [Tolmeni]: WHY IS EVERYONE IN TURKEY PERVY?! *has received at least 6 messages, all from straight turkish males*...Is there, like, a conspiracy in Turkey: "Okay, the government commands that you shall hit on people not from Turkey." IT'S A CONSPIRACY! *has had a large dose of Foamy movies, so is thus insane*

2005-10-10 [Ruby Sting]: i actually started to make a list of all the turkish guys who are "stalking " me (for lack of a better word)... made it into a wiki ruby sting's very creepy

2005-10-10 [Sunrose]: You know this wiki is about flirts, not about Turks. You can go to Turkey Team with your complaints, please keep this wiki about the proper subject :)

2005-10-10 [SassySwede]: wow am I confused

2005-10-10 [Sunrose]: Try and ask questions ;)

2005-10-10 [Desire.]: wow! this is genius! marry me anyone?

2005-10-10 [msmajikk]: lmao this thing is soooo kewlie kool aid! mwa hahahahaha! thnx!

2005-10-10 [crowdel]: i think the best way to understand is to flirt with random people till you figure it out

2005-10-10 [Kitten Hurts]: wow thats like so cool!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-10 [crowdel]: what

2005-10-10 [Alyahn_Darkelf]: Whaaaa? Don't get this. Which is ok, because I don't plan on flirting with anyone.

2005-10-10 [stone roses]: We can get married now?!?

2005-10-10 [Moving on in Life]: I'm lost, too....Someone help explain it to me in Lame man's terms, please.

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: I.E, people can't send you messages saying "OMFG UR HOT WANT 2 CYBA" etc etc unless you've somehow selected to be interested in them.

2005-10-10 [iippo]: This is strange, but if it keeps the "ur hott" messages away from my inbox, I support it.

2005-10-10 [jsdkhfvzudjg]: aw crap, this sux =(

2005-10-10 [Softcore_Kid_x]: hey

2005-10-10 [DukMastR]: that's kinda scary....

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: It's kinda an admission that ET is being filled with shallow-cybering people *cries* :(

2005-10-10 [Paul Doyle]: Look on the bright side: something constructive is being done about it, yes? :)

2005-10-10 [X_Who_Am_ I _Today_X]: sounds shit to me

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: Well, you don't have to use it. It's an optional Tick-box thing.

2005-10-10 [China_Dolly]: uhh, not to look dumb or anything, but i must say i don't get very much of it... :S the coincidence that a person you flirt with, flirts with you, isn't that big, right??

2005-10-10 [haukka]: hmmm.. sounds interersting... gotta try!

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: Yeah it's a little hard to explain, and don't worry you don't sound dumb. Well, just think of it this way, you wont read, or even SEE people sending you messages saying "OMG youre hot i want 2 rape u" etc etc until you say they can i.e you select that you're "interested" in them. I myself don't understand it to well; But that is my grasp on it.

2005-10-10 [The Archangel Dreolin]: Let us just hope this means I will have to block less people if they are just sending me flirts instead of normal messages. I think it will help only if anoying people use it.

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: Hear hear

2005-10-10 [IzzyKSK]: But people can still send you the flirt messages without checking them as flirt right?

2005-10-10 [lohawefniwubf]: Hmmm... I stink so. I don't really see the point myself. You can always just ignor the message in the first place.

2005-10-10 [IzzyKSK]: Yeah that's true..

2005-10-10 [Elf masters_daughter]: I don't get it? What is the point?

2005-10-10 [FeckErseDrink!]: what a GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-10 [PR3++Y .L!++L3. C!G4R3++3]: i think it's a great idea. now i can tell [back by nonpopular demand], "luv u!"

2005-10-10 [Kenya]: ...this is getting prgressively worse. This is a site for ART...besides that, this is a bit confusing.

2005-10-10 [Nightfall]: I'd like to point out the fact that people can still send you those stupid "u r hott" messages without clicking the lil flirt button thingy, so anyone smart enough will figure that out and avoid it, and thus we will still be bombarded with the stupid messages.

2005-10-10 [Vader]: I know this place is for art and writing but it's nice to have a bit of diversity don't you think [Kenya] if it was just that then it would be like a closed bordered country and the online-culture would stagnate.......

2005-10-10 [no longer existant]: how odd...(*note to self* stay out of this) seems to be the thing to do, especially if you have to send flirts to get them... does anyone whant to mention art?

2005-10-10 [punk_rockersum1]: ...... wierd shit this is

2005-10-10 [dooDlez]: Ewwwwww. CREEPS!

2005-10-10 [Hummingbird]: I dislike this 'flirt' option, its just handing out invitations to all the shallow perverts on this site, actually I'm really quite angry to have to look at it everytime I go to send a message, its not going to end well this 'flirt' thing if you dont mind my say so >:(

2005-10-10 [zip]: It's actually not good for the pervs, since you won't have to see their messages unless you too send them a "flirt".

2005-10-10 [Majin]: Agreed. There are more than enough "dating" sites just next door to us on the internet, and it'd be nice if Elftown kept with its own tune... as an artistic community rather than another random hook-up hangout.

2005-10-10 [Paul Doyle]: Wow, the more I read these comments, the more I'm backtracking from my original comment. *nods*

2005-10-10 [beccalambertxxx]: wtf is this! eh

2005-10-10 [Whim]: Yeah...I don't see any problems happening with this function. By the way, that was sarcasm. I see MANY problems happening with this function. Wasn't someone trying to LOWER the population of cyberers?

2005-10-10 [Hummingbird]: Like any perv is actually going to use the flirt option, they arn't going to send pointless messages, there just going to bug people as they always have.

2005-10-10 [Whim]: I have no doubt that the cybering horny children will not use the flirt option, however, adding a flirt option creates a certain image for Elftown that does attract horny cybering children. I'd really like to see a public announcement from Hedda explaining the direction he wishes Elftown to go, because it's very unclear as of late. You might as well change the ivy leaves to the left of this comment into boobs if you're gonna add things like a flirt option.

2005-10-10 [Hummingbird]: Yes exactly!

2005-10-10 [Hummingbird]: But still, just the thought of a pervert (an older one, there are a suprising amount on here O.O) thinking to himself 'Ah I send annoying chat up messages, I'd better use the 'flirt' option so I dont bother anyone!! yeah thats it!!' Oh dear god

2005-10-10 [Whim]: I personally don't care what gets added to Elftown. It's Hedda's community. He can turn it into whatever he wants. If he wants to turn Elftown into a haven for underdressed trash talking cybering teens, that's his choice. But the original intent of this site was to be an artist community. Granted, there was a big problem with horny teens before, but at least there was hope for redemption. There's no turning back now. It's now officially a "romance" community.

2005-10-10 [Hummingbird]: *pulls up a seat and plops down*

2005-10-10 [Mitsukirina]: you most likely don't know me but I agree with Whim.

2005-10-10 [Whim]: Knowing you has nothing to do with the validity of your opinions...hehe.

2005-10-10 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: *cheers* go Whim! I couldn't have put it better myself :)

2005-10-11 [buttmunch17]: it is very confusing but i dont' have to worry about it because i'm with some one and so...

2005-10-11 [Riggs]: well this is an interesting concept..also a good idea for the pervs on here

2005-10-11 [Sunrose]: Why? What can pervs do with flirts that they can't do with messages? More importantly, wouldn't it be far easier to be pervy when you are sure the other person will read it? That is not the case with flirts: chances are high the one you are trying to perv will never read your flirt..

2005-10-11 [oijaoiasd]: blah blah blah...jeez...just don't use the flirt thing if you don't like that possibility so only becomes something perverted if you send a flirt message see? if you don't want to get the "nasty" message then don't send a flirt one to them... duh.

2005-10-11 [oijaoiasd]: ha yes... exactly... i sent my comment right after sunrose...hee hee

2005-10-11 [vlad]: heh, whatever people. Pervert this pervert that. Hell, I'm a perverted myself! And guess what - so are you ;) It's just a message function and if it bothers you then send a flirt note to everyone who talks to you with the secret love message of "I'll kick your a** if you ever come close!!"

2005-10-11 [Revenge Wolf]: the point is its heddas community so he has to power you have a problem u message him and deal w/ w/e he has to say. there is a large base of pervs but w/ any site your going to have that problem , hedda's just trying to make every one happy excuse him for being considerate to the perverts

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